"Marching Through Joy: A Marine's Playful Parade"

I was walking walking down the street in a marine military uniform and there was a line just marching down the street, we stopped for a bit and talked about rules but i was running and having fun in the line then the Sargent talked a bit but i don’t remember
Dreams about military uniforms and marching often symbolize discipline, structure, and authority in your life. The fact that you were wearing a Marine military uniform suggests that you may be seeking order and control in your waking life.
The line marching down the street could represent conformity or following a set path or rules. The fact that you were running and having fun within the line may suggest a desire to break free from restrictions and enjoy spontaneity.
The Sergeant in your dream represents authority figures or rules in your life that you may feel conflicted about. Your inability to remember what the Sergeant said may indicate inner resistance to conforming to those rules or authority.
Overall, this dream may be reflecting your feelings of balancing between structure and freedom, authority and independence. It may be a reminder for you to find a healthy balance between following rules and allowing yourself to have fun and be adventurous.